At Christ the King we follow our Mission Statement “Loving, Learning, Growing together as Christ’s family”
Loving: God’s greatest Commandment is to “Love one another as I have loved you”. Our aim is to teach this value every day by the way we all treat each other as a community, so that our children leave Christ the King knowing how to love themselves and how to treat others.
Learning: Christ the King is a learning environment where everyone has the opportunity to learn, develop their God given gifts to reach their full potential and be ready for the next stage of their journey.
Growing together as Christ’s family: We teach our children that they are not only part of Christ the King school community, but are part of their local area and beyond. We aim for our children to see their role as part of this community and what they can do to give service to others.
Prayer, worship and liturgical celebration are central to our Catholic tradition and form an integral part of the school day. Prayer is encouraged in a variety of methods; – private individual prayer, group prayer, and whole school prayer.
Our faith teaches us that God loves us and wants to have a relationship with us. Our relationship with God is built up through our worship of him – the time spent talking and listening to him. Liturgy and prayer at Christ the King aims to enable children to live their lives to the fullest, through deepening their faith and developing a personal relationship with God.
Our School community takes part in a daily act of worship (5-10 minutes) and formal prayers are used to open and close the school day sessions. The children also plan and lead acts of worship within each of their classes on a Wednesday and Thursday.
Prayer, worship and Liturgy celebration | ||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Celebration of the word assembly
| 3 week rota Key Stage Worship
House Captain Worship
Hymn Practice | Class Worship | Class Pupil led Worship | Friday Achievement Assembly
Collective Worship structure
Prayer and liturgy follows a call and response structure. God calls to us and we respond to him. When God speaks to us in his words (scripture), it is the response of the heart to respond with love whether that be a prayer of praise, adoration, thanks giving, repentance or intercession.
When this conversation with God happens within the formal liturgy of the Church, this pattern is repeated back and forth. We want to support our children in understanding the call and response pattern. At Christ the King, Prayer and Liturgy is guided by the Collective Worship Programme from Ten:Ten.
We follow the 4 W’s structure:
Welcome (Gather) - We gather together. We use candles and other religious artefacts to show we are preparing for worship.
Word (listen) - We listen to scripture.
Worship (Response) - We respond to the reading with reflection and prayer.
Witness (Mission/ Go forth) - We choose a way to go forth, sharing the Good News and following God's mission in our everyday lives.