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Our ASD Resource

At Christ the King we are privileged to host The Ark, Autism Resource for primary aged children.  The Ark opened in November 2011. Up until then there was no specialist provision in local primary schools for primary aged Autistic children and who are capable of accessing the mainstream curriculum. Previously many of these children were sent to schools outside the Borough. This is a very expensive way of providing for these children's education and it is not the best solution for the children or their families.


We now have up to 18 children in The Ark and they have brought a new and delightful dimension to life at Christ the King.  The Ark is part of the network of provision which includes the "Snowflakes" Resource at Newbridge Nursery and the secondary age Autism Resource at Blessed Hugh Faringdon Catholic Secondary School.


Please note - The Ark has a separate admissions process through Reading Borough Council. If your child attends the main school this will not mean your child will have a place in the resource at any time. 
