Christ the King aims to be an inclusive school
We are proud of the comments in the latest Ofsted 2022 report, stating that:
‘This is an inclusive school. Knowledgeable leaders support staff to quickly identify the needs of pupils with SEND. Leaders and staff have high ambitions for all pupils, including those with special educational needs or disabilities.
In November 2019 Christ the King achieved the SEND Inclusion Award
At Christ the King we follow the principles of Inclusion as laid down in the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs 2014:
Christ the King Local Offer
Our Local Offer (SEND Information Report) can be found on this page and and our Accessibility Plan is available to view on the Policies page of this website. The Policies page is in "Key Information".
The admission of children with SEN to the main school is covered in our admission policy which is available on the Admissions page. The Admissions page is in "Key Information".
Arrangements for the admission of children to The Ark, our Specialist Resource for children with autism, are explained in the ASD Resource section of our website.
This document covers provision for our pupils with SEND, which is additional to and different from our main school curriculum and are linked to the targets on our IEPs.
IEPs are used to support children with specific needs, it is a tool to help plan, teach, monitor and evaluate their progress.
They are written by the class teacher in conjunction with the parent/carer and child. Once implemented the IEP is evaluated regularly, with new targets set or existing targets modified.
Please see example IEP below for more information.
Reading SEND Local Offer