The staff and pupils at Christ the King thought about the aims of our curriculum and how they will help the children in our school.
Curriculum Intention
Our curriculum intention is behind all the subjects of the curriculum. We also try to blend the curriculum through links to the History and Geography topics.
Each subject has a progression of key skills . we are currently developing knowledge organisers for all subjects so the children know what key skills and knowledge they are going to learn.
We use the following schemes, adapted for use at Christ the King:
Maths - Maths No Problem
Writing—Talk for Writing
History/Geography REACH2 curriculum (KS2)
Science - PlanB
RE– God Matters
D&T—Projects on a page
Sex Education-Journey in Love
Music - Charanga
PE - Succeedin
Computing-Switched on
Spanish (KS2) - Language Angels
We are developing our Teaching and Learning approach, following Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction through Tom Sherrington's Walkthrus. This ensures there is an emphasis on children knowing, remembering and doing more as well as ensuring that every child is able to master a concept before moving on. We have high expectations for every child and are passionate about them all being able to have the key knowledge and skills they need to apply to all aspects of their learning.
If you would like to find out further information about your child's curriculum, please see the class page for the curriculum map or speak to the class teacher.