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Nursery Mrs Sinclair


We are looking forward to all the exciting learning opportunities that we are going to share together.

We also welcome our new starters and hope they enjoy learning and growing with us.


The staff in our Nursery are:

Mrs Sinclair, Miss Kite and Mrs Emmett-Church



My name is Mrs Sinclair and I am the Nursery class teacher.


Fruit and milk is available daily at snack time.

The fruit changes from day to day, this is a great opportunity for your child to perhaps try something new.  However, should you want to supply your own snack it must be fruit or vegetables only please.



Please can you send a drinks bottle in everyday, containing water only.


Can I also ask that you send in a spare set of clothes in a labelled bag that can be kept in school in case of any need to be changed.


As the weather changes, please be mindful that we spend a significant amount of time outdoors and that your child is dressed appropriately for the season: 

coats/wellies/hats/gloves | sun cream/sun hats

If you have a spare pair of labelled wellies that can be left at school please feel free to send these in too.


Thank you.






We use Tapestry to record observations of your children. This is a great way for you to see what your child gets up to during their time here. 

You can comment on posts and you can also add your own pictures and posts so we can celebrate achievements and share activities you do at home.


To contact me please email:


Autumn | Spring | Summer Communication


Topmarks: Lots of great Maths games. 

Numberblocks:  Sing along and learn all about numbers with the Numberblocks!



Oxford Owl: Here you will find free e-books that match your book band colour. Choose the correct book band and read a book every day.

Alphablocks:  Watch as the letters of the alphabet tell stories and make words using phonics. Play the learning game, watch clips and print colouring pages

